EFNEP provides evidence-based programming to Kindergaten-12th grade students.  My Plate

Youth EFNEP in Columbiana County targets youth in primarily grades Kindergarten-12.  A series of 6-7 classes is offered in school settings and in out-of-school time community settings.  Curriculum alignment to Common Core Standards available upon request.

EFNEP has worked with schools, after-school programs, summer food service programs (SFSP), and summer camps.  

EFNEP is free for school districts that qualify having 50% or more of their student population eligible for free or reduced school lunch/breakfast.

Youth EFNEP is offered as a series of six to seven, dynamic one-hour lessons. Lessons are based on MyPlate concepts and include basic nutrition, label reading, increasing physical activity and food safety.

For more information or to schedule a series of classes contact Renee Eichler at 330-870-1166 or email eichler.33@osu.edu or Vicky Jenkins at jenkins.1163@osu.edu