EFNEP is making a significant impact in our community.
95% of local adult EFNEP graduates improved their nutrition practices
86% of local adult EFNEP graduates improved managing their food resources
80% of local youth EFNEP graduates improved their abilities to choose foods according the Federal Dietary Recommendations or gain knowledge
Potential health care savings to community
Approximately $10.48 is saved for every EFNEP federal grant dollar due to the delayed onset of nutrition-related chronic diseases and conditions among participants.
In addition, for every EFNEP program dollar spent, $2.48 is saved by participants in food costs.
EFENP is 100% federally funded by the USDA. EFNEP funding is not a competitive grant. EFNEP funding is only available through The Ohio State University Extension offices.
The Ohio State University Extension has provided this program in since 1969. In 2019, celebrated its 50th year as a federally-funded program.
For additional information on EFNEP, including national impacts, cost-benefit data and research conducted on EFNEP, please visit:
- http//www.efnep.osu.edu
- https://nifa.usda.gov/program/expanded-food-and-nutrition-education-program-efnep
- https://www.purdue.edu/hhs/extension/programs/detail.aspx?programId=5&category=food