Want to Become a 4-H Volunteer?
To learn more contact our 4-H Extension Educator to set up a phone or in-person meeting.
Completing your Volunteer Application
1. Complete a 4-H volunteer Application and the 4-H Standards of Behavior and submit them to the County Extension office.
2. Once your references have been returned to the County Extension office you will be contacted to:
Set up an interview with the 4-H Educator. This interview will typically last 20 minutes and allows you to learn more about the 4-H program and allows the county staff to get to know you better.
Get your fingerprints/background check taken at a local office. A background check is required every 4 years for all volunteers. The state 4-H office will reimburse you for the cost of the background check. We will give you more information about the fingerprinting/background check when you come in for your interview.
3. Once you have completed your interview and submitted documentation that you have gotten your background check, you will be notified of your final status as a volunteer and you will be invited to attend a Volunteer training which is required each year.
Maintaining Your Volunteer Status
There are a few requirements that volunteers must meet in order to maintain their active status with the 4-H program
- Volunteers must reenroll each year
- As part of the reenrollment process, volunteers must sign the Standards of Behavior each year
- Volunteers must be associated with a specific 4-H Club or committee under the 4-H program umbrella at all times
- Volunteers must attend an annual Volunteer Traning which will cover Child Abuse recognition
- Volunteers must complete a BCI background check every 4 years
- Volunteers must maintain good standing with the 4-H program at all times