August 10, 2020 - 9:51am --

The 4-H Program Advisory Committee (PAC) is hosting a Fall Mum Fundraiser this year due to not being able to hold the yearly Silent Auction Basket Fundraiser during the week of Fair.  The 4-H PAC plays an important role in the county 4-H program. Together the committee helps to promote 4-H membership, assist in educational events, plans future youth opportunities, and hosts fundraisers. The money raised will help support educational opportunities, book scholarships, newsletter communications, project fair ribbons and awards and much more. The PAC would greatly appreciate the support from our clubs, families and community to help make this a success. All funds raised fromt he Fall Mum Fundraiser will directly support the 4-H program. Please contact Paula Bardo at 330-727-6320 if you have any questions. 

As always THANK YOU for your support to the 4-H Program in Columbiana County.